
What in the World is a Sales Page?

We’ve been talking about sales funnels around here lately and today we’re covering an essential component: your sales page!

If you aren’t familiar with a sales page, don’t fret!  I had no idea what they were a few years ago and now people pay me to write them.

It sounds pretty straightforward, right?  Just like an email sequence is a sequence of emails. . . a sales page is. . . a page that sells.  But HOW does it sell?  Here’s a hint: it has a lot to do with the writing!

Follow along as I cover the important components of writing a sales page. 

Before You Start Writing Your Sales Page

You do NOT write a sales page by sitting down and throwing some words together.  You need to begin by gaining some CLARITY.

You need to know exactly WHAT you’re selling and WHO is going to buy it.

Something like, “Live the life of your dreams!” sure sounds good and I really WANT to live the life of my dreams — but I have no idea what that really gets me or if it’s even really FOR me.  But if I read “A tidy home for busy moms,” I know that 1) I can get a tidy home and 2) it’s for me because I’m a mom!  

The same goes for “Efficient time-management skills for top executives.”  I read that and I know that someone will get 1) efficient time management skills and 2) it ISN’T for me because I don’t consider myself an executive!  But guess what?  Executives who need time management skills will read that and know it’s definitely for them.

Before you put pencil to paper or hands to keyboard, be sure you’re clear on WHAT you are selling and WHO it will help.

Elements of a Sales Page

There’s a lot more thinking you’ll want to do before you write your sales page, but the following are the essential elements of a sales page that sells.  There are MANY formats to a sales page, but this is roughly the order things go in with some variation.

Headline & Subheadline

The headline of your sales page is probably the most important part.  It should show your ideal people the transformation or change they’re going to see and it needs to speak directly to what they really WANT.  Do they want to get rid of a bunch of stuff?  Get organized?  Simplify?  Gain control of their life?  Love their home?

A subheading is a powerful tool that can elaborate on the headline.  If we stick with the ‘Efficient time-management skills for top executives’ example, the subheading might be ‘Free up x minutes in each day but following our program!’ NOTE: Always tell the truth in your copywriting.  Don’t say they’ll free up 90 minutes of time if NO ONE EVER HAS.  Use stats and figures (and everything else in between) that are accurate.

Before & After

The Before

You know who you’re talking to, so now you need to tell the story of their current struggles.  The problems they face that are driving them crazy.  Maybe these are things like never finding their keys when they need them, losing important documents, always feeling behind, never on time, or just plain feeling out of control in their life.  Paint that picture so you can show that you understand their current story.

The After

NOW, you show them how things could be!  The change they’ll see in their lives if they invest in themselves.  The results they’ll get and so desperately want!  Examples could be knowing exactly where to put things, telling their kids to pick up and it GETS DONE (gasp!), or always feeling calm and in control of their life.

Common Objections

(Hint: they’ll often say money but it’s usually more than that.) People will always have a reason NOT to do something.  And sometimes they might be right! As we discussed, what you’re selling isn’t for everyone!  But it’s important to speak to the objections you know come up for most people.  A common one is money, but people will say this even when it’s a $15 product — so there’s usually more to it.  Head off objections by explaining them away before they bring them up. Are they worried it will take too much time?  Explain how much time is wasted by being inefficient.  Do they think they need to wait until the right time?  Then they’ll be in the same exact place next year!  Speak to these common issues on your sales page.

Benefits VS Features

People often list a ton of features on their sales pages, such as:

  • 17 hours of video!
  • 132 pages of worksheets
  • Sweat, hard work, dust, dirt, & boxes! 😆

But people aren’t ready to hear that yet.  They WILL be, but you need to lead with what they want first:

  • Come home to a space you LOVE
  • Spend more time with friends and family 
  • Enjoy your weekends without marathon cleaning sessions
  • Take back control of your life and home!

It’s always important to lead with the benefits when you’re explaining the features of what you’re selling.

Testimonials AKA Social Proof

The internet is chock full of a lot of junk, right?  So you need to prove that your solution is the answer to their problem.  Use testimonials with a photo if possible and at least a first name.  Video testimonials can be fantastic, too.  Something that shows your solution has truly worked for other people.  And be sure it isn’t just a flowery compliment, but rather a short blurb that describes the RESULTS they got from working with you.

FAQ Section

This can sometimes be combined with your ‘common objections’ section because often the FAQs you get from people include their objections.  If not, separate the frequently asked questions you get about the item you’re selling.  If you KNOW people will ask about it, put it out there before they can hesitate.

Call to Action

You need ONE call to action on a sales page.  The point of the page is to sell and you don’t need to feel weird about it — so keep it straightforward.  Buy Now, Sign Up Now, or Buy the _____ Now are a few simple examples.  Whichever you choose, pick one and use it several times throughout the page (one near the top so people who are ready can buy right away).  I also recommend using a button format so it’s clear and easy to find.


I’m a firm believer that it’s good to put the price on the sales page.  I personally don’t like it when I have to click further to find out the cost, so I suggest placing it lower down on the page.

About You

Another hint: It shouldn’t really be about YOU! Confusing, right? This simply means that you shouldn’t make a big list of awesome things about yourself. Tell them about you in a way that explains how you can help them and solve their problem.

Design & Layout of a Sales Page

I am not a graphic OR web designer.  I make suggestions for layout and design, but I never actually create that portion of the sales page.  I suggest looking at several sales pages for ideas, but typically it’s good to break things up on the page by either using boxes, alternating colors for each section, or some other delineation between elements.

Wait, that’s it?! Is this the end?

There is SOOO much that goes into a strong sales page and it can’t really be boiled down to one blog post. If it could, I’d probably be out of a job! But these are the important elements of a sales page that actually sells. With some time and dedication, you really can write a kick-ass sales page.

If you haven’t already, sign up for my mailing list at the bottom of the page to stay tuned for other ways you can learn about increasing your sales with writing that works.

What is the next step in my sales funnel?

Some people might tell you that the sales page is the last step of your sales funnel, but I disagree. Weekly emails to your list are incredibly powerful and can increase sales for those who aren’t quite ready yet. Stay tuned for more about email marketing!

Sign up for my mailing list at the bottom of the page and get more tips on increasing your sales with writing that works!

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